Pressure cookers (also known as Instant Pots) have dramatically changed in recent years. The newest pressure cookers are electric. They are also much safer than old models, which left everyone in fear of entering the kitchen because they might explode. I haven’t read a single review about one of these new pressure cookers exploding. They have safety mechanisms in place so you can’t open the appliance until it is depressurized.

I was debating buying a pressure cooker and then one Saturday morning an infomercial about pressure cookers came on TV. Justin and I both watched it. I couldn’t stop watching. I was impressed with all that this thing can do! Justin and I were both sold. Instead of buying from the infomercial with all the “free” extras (and higher TV price) we did some online price comparisons. In the end he picked ours up at Sams Club for under $100. It was the exact model from the infomercial too! It is also available on Amazon:

We have used it to make a variety of meals. I have taken chicken right from the freezer and cooked it in the Pressure Cooker and it was done in about a half hour! Keep in mind there is also time needed to pressurize the unit (about 10 minutes on average). It works really well! The moisture stays in the meat too. I haven’t had anything taste dried out.

I had no clue how to use a pressure when we bought one. Thankfully it comes with instructions. It was not difficult to use. I have heard some say that there is a learning curve with using pressure cookers. I think it’s not too difficult to start with basic recipes and following the directions from the appliance. It came with a cook book as well.

I have several friends who bought the Instant Pot. It is also an electric pressure cooker, just a different brand. There are many brands out there now. A simple Amazon search will turn up dozens. It can leave you wondering which one is best. I can recommend the brand I bought, because I have used it and like it.

There are over 1800 reviews on Amazon for this “Power Pressure Cooker” I purchased. It has 4.1 stars out of 5. Some of the negative reviews I found had to do with slow shipping time from the infomerical company. If you order from Amazon (rather than from the infomerical) then you won’t have a long wait. With Amazon Prime you should have it in 2-3 days versus the 2-3 weeks from the infomercial. Here are some of the positive reviews that came up:

If you order a pressure cooker I want you to get started on the right foot. A recipe can make or break your pressure cooking experience. Here are some recipes that several of my friends (Corey Crist and Elisha Rurka) recommended. These should help you get started with your pressure cooker or Instant Pot on the right foot!

Boxed Cake Mix in the Instant Pot:


Pressure Cooker Shoyu Chicken:


Pressure Cooker Thai Chicken Thighs:

There are many recipes online. There are also Facebook groups completely devoted to the topic of pressure cooking! It is a popular topic. This page on Facebook  has over 80,000 followers:

This Facebook page, below, is from a blogger who writes exclusively on the topic of pressure cooking. She has almost 50,000 followers! ref=ts&fref=ts

It’s a popular topic because these new pressure cookers are much safer to use than the old fashioned kind. They work fast to make meals that taste great and aren’t dried out. It’s like having a crock pot on speed.