Christmas celebrating is in full swing! This weekend was the busiest we will have all year long.  On Friday night I went to a cookie exchange. Each person attending had to bring 9 dozen cookies. I made 9 dozen buckeye balls for the party. They are peanut butter balls dipped in chocolate. I also drizzled chocolate on the top. My friend Lauren made 7 layer bars. They are heavenly. Next time I go to an exchange I will be making those! They are now officially my favorite dessert. The cookie party went until after midnight. I had no idea it was so late! Time just slipped away. My friend Kristle certainly knows how to host an event! She is an amazing hostess.

On Saturday Brielle and I went to a birthday party for my friend Lynnsey’s daughter who turned 2. It was nice to see them and catch up a bit. On Saturday evening Justin and I went to our neighbors Chris and Kristen’s home for a Christmas party. They sure know how to cook amazing food!! It was a very elegant party. She gave me her stuffed mushroom appetizer recipe that I am going to try for New Years. Pork sausage and cream cheese inside mushroom caps is sooooo good. We had a wonderful evening catching up with neighbors and meeting some new people as well.


On Sunday morning we had to be up pretty early to go to the 9am service and then we served at the 10:45 service. We had to get up at 6:00, as we needed to be at church extra early to get seats for the annual Christmas musical performance. People start lining up an hour in advance. The musical was Truthical. It was a Broadway quality production. The talent was amazing, the message was spot on, and they even had snow and pyrotechnics! I can see why every show is filled to max capacity!! Next year we want to see Prestonwood Church’s production, as we heard theirs is one of the best in the country and they are only about a half hour from Southlake.

After watching the musical production at Gateway, Justin and I both served. We serve every other week. This was our week to serve. He is an usher and I volunteer at the welcome center. It was a busy Sunday morning at Gateway because of the Truthical production going on.

Below are some photos from the Truthical production (I didn’t take these until the show was ending, as photography was not allowed):

After church we fed the kids lunch, got the twins down for a nap, and then after nap time it was time to head to Brielle’s preschool for her Christmas program and open house. She did a great job this year! She sang and did a great job on stage.

Brielle and her class performing.

Brielle and her class performing.

Charlie and I were taking selfies before the program started. I was trying the keep him entertained and quiet.

Charlie and I were taking selfies before the program started. I was trying the keep him entertained and quiet.

You would think that would be the end of our busy weekend, since we got home after dinner time. But no, I after we got the kids to bed, I wrapped most of the Christmas gifts and then our neighbor and friend Phil came over at 8:30 PM to work on some of the music for our New Year’s Eve party.

Of course it was so nice sleeping in on Monday morning. Oh wait, that didn’t happen because I have three kids ages three and under…so if you see me with bags under my eyes you know why. It was a wonderful, festive weekend though!