We are so fortunate to be able to provide our kids with shoes here in the USA. Do we have poor families and kids? Of course, but what I don’t see here in the USA is children playing in masses outside with no shoes because their families cannot afford to buy any. Yes, we are fortunate. I like opportunities to give back to those that are less fortunate. God calls all of us to do that! Regardless of how much or little we have in life, we can always find someone who is less fortunate in one way or another.
Today I was able to help some that are less fortunate. It was a Sole Hope Cutting “Party”. Basically it is a gathering where people come together to cut up jeans using specific pattens that will later be shipped to Africa to be made into shoes for poor children in Africa. The organization is Sole Hope. Anybody can host a Sole Hope Cutting Party. They can buy the kit to do a party. It provides a DVD, instructions, templates or patterns for cutting the jeans (for about $15) and can be ordered here: http://sole-hope.myshopify.com/collections/featured-products/products/shoe-cutting-party-packet?variant=394421141
There were five ladies at our gathering today and we cut up enough jeans and denim for 23 pairs of shoes! Thank you Pam for bringing all the extra denim, we had only a small square left when we were done. We were each asked to bring a pair of scissors to use for cutting and at least one pair of jeans. You can make 1-2 pairs of shoes from an adult pair of jeans (depending on how big or small they are). The organization also asks for $10 per pair of shoes to be made- to cover shipping and to pay a fair wage to those who will actually be making the shoes in Africa.
Why are shoes so important to these kids? The founder of this organization was so affected by a Youtube video of kids in Africa who had Jiggers, that this organization was born. Jiggers are tiny fleas that painfully burrow under the skin (especially in the feet). They are living parasites that are quite problematic to these children. This organization not only provides shoes, but they first clean the feet of these children and remove every Jigger by hand. Once the feet are Jigger free and clean the children are taught about hygiene and are given the shoes. Here is a story about one of their recipients:
It was a productive few hours. I love that this project can done by anyone including teens and pre-teens! It’s something families can do together as well. I plan to do another Sole Hope Cutting Party in 2017. It’s so easy, why not! Here is a link their website for more information about their non profit: http://www.solehope.org
Here are some photos from our gathering today. Thank you to my friend Alisha for putting this event together. You have a heart of gold!!