I am participating in a total of 5 gift exchanges for Christmas with the different groups I belong to. My bible study had a “favorite things” themed gift exchange this past week. Then my Moms of Multiples group had their party and scarf gift exchange that same day. April is the current President of our club and she is always so organized and thoughtful, even when it comes to parties! She planned a game for our gift exchange that I thought was worth sharing. I want to use this in the future too. Everyone brings a wrapped gift and then the exchange can take place with everyone holding their gift, sitting in a circle, and passing the gifts to the left and right as per the story. When the story ends the current gift on your lap is yours! April read the true story of Christmas and the game commenced. The story is always wonderful to share, but doing it with a game in this type of environment is so creative and fun! Here is the story below, so you can use it at your own gift exchange in the future.