Approximately two months ago I began using the best hair product I have ever used in my entire lifetime and I am officially hooked. It all began when my friend Kristen Hafner offered me some samples. The day I used the samples, my husband said to me “what did you do to your hair, it has never looked better”! Here is a selfie I took after the first time I used this product and I simply washed and dried my hair (and I used this magical product), no other styling was done-
Justin had no idea about the samples or that I even tried a new product. What is even better is that I didn’t have to use a hair straightener. I washed and dried my hair and it was done! Before using this product I had to use a hair straightener every time I did my hair. My hair is naturally straight. I needed the hair straighter to smooth out the frizzies. I accidentally burned my hair a couple of years ago and since then I have needed the straighter to smooth out the uneven ends that were burned and singed. Just because a hair device goes up to 450 degrees does not mean you should turn it all the way up. Now I never turn it past 300. This product from my friend Kristen has allowed me to eliminate the straightener from my hair regiment and my hair is softer and silkier than it has been in my entire adult life! I am shocked to be honest. My hair appears to have been healed by this product. Making it healthier has made it much better looking too. I have received more compliments on my hair the past few months than I have in years combined.
The product that has changed the look of my hair, for the better, beyond any other product I have used in my life is made by Monat and is called Rejuvabeads.
The Rejuvabeads from Monat is hands down the best hair product I have ever used in my life. It is a leave in conditioner and only a small amount is needed for each use. After I have washed my hair I use a towel to get the excess water off of my hair. I then apply a quarter size dallop of the Rejuvabeads to my palm. I then rub it into the palms of both hands and apply to most of my hair. I avoid the scalp. I have naturally oily hair and tend to avoid conditioners on my scalp in general. The great thing about this product is that I have never felt it has made my hair oily. Most leave in conditioners leave my hair oily and I need to wash it the very next day. This is definitely not the case with the Rejuvabeads.
I also love their shampoo and conditioner by Monat and use them too. They are amazing and are truly making my hair look better with each use. Here is a testimonial that Kristen posted in her Facebook group-
With the Rejuvabeads being my favorite hair product of all time, I contacted Kristen about doing a giveaway on the blog. We are giving away a bottle of the Rejuvabeads to a Living Joy Daily Reader! To enter you simply need to join her Facebook group page here:
After you join her group, then comment “joined” on the Living Joy Daily Facebook group page under the posting of this article. That way I know you joined her group. The drawing will take place this upcoming Sunday and will he announced on the Living Joy Daily Facebook group page.
Put Monat on your Christmas list ladies! You will be thankful you did! To order Monat go to:
I’m curious about results with curly hair.
I have seen before and after pics of people with curly hair and it looks like it works great for Curly hair!
Beautiful stunning results! Might be worth a try.
You would love it! I am not even half way through my first tube and i have been using it for two months now. Good investment!