Up to 25% of all pregnancies result in miscarriage (according to http://americanpregnancy.org/pregnancy-complications/miscarriage/). Miscarriage is a hard reality that many women deal with during their lifetime. It is something that was once taboo to discuss. Now, it is something that is shared about more openly, but it is still not easy to find helpful books on the subject. I wish that this book had been around years ago, as I could have used this book for myself, and for numerous friends who have shared their losses through tears, heartbreak, and anguish. This is a book that should be given to every woman who experiences the heartbreak of miscarriage.

I will be ordering this book in the future for every loved one who ever has to go though this tragic experience, because it such a helpful, healing tool for anyone who has lost a baby in their womb. It is a series of 31 devotionals (so it can be read in a month) and contains messages that help women through their grief after they have lost their baby during pregnancy. It is so perfectly written, since it contains stories from 40 women who have experienced this heartache. I could relate to their stories, their anger, their heartache, the extreme sadness, and very real anguish in this book. “Love Baby” is a book that will help any woman who is going through this unexplainable pain that can only be understood by other women who have gone through it.

Keep this book in mind when you learn that a friend, family member, or co-worker experiences the loss of a baby during miscarriage. This book can help them in their healing process. It may be the best tool and gift you can give to a woman who has lost their baby during pregnancy.  “Loved Baby” is available on Amazon for quick and easy delivery: http://amzn.to/2pizF3F

Here is an excerpt from the book:

Here are some reviews of the book from other reputable sources:

The first place I went after losing our baby to miscarriage was the bookstore. I stared at the shelves looking for words of comfort and hope, longing to find an author who would also feel like a friend putting her arm around my shoulder. I wish Sarah’s book had been there then, and I’m so grateful it will be there for other women like me now.
—Holley Gerth, best-selling author of You’re Already Amazing, holleygerth.com

Our culture programs us to feel as though motherhood should be all sunshine and roses—breakfasts in bed made by beaming, freshly-bathed children. We learn to think that a woman cannot fulfill her God-given destiny unless she nurtures the lives God enabled her to bear. And yet, when one of those lives is lost, or when life never begins, the world suddenly goes quiet, leaving these women alone and suffering. Here’s the key, though: When we offer our hurts to God, He will bring healing. He is the salve that soothes even the deepest wounds. Through Sarah’s words in Loved Baby, you will realize that you’re not called to forget but to welcome God into your pain. You can remember and honor and grieve and be made whole again. With God, even this is possible. Step into these pages like you’re walking into God’s comforting embrace, because that’s exactly what this book has to offer.
—Kelly O’Dell Stanley, author of Praying Upside Down and Designed to Pray, kellyostanley.com

This book is the one I wish I’d had when I lost my first son the day after he was born sleeping and my third son when I was fifteen-weeks pregnant. For my aching, searching heart to have God’s truths and promises put together so compassionately and with such honesty would have been a gift, and one I now will graciously share with others who have to walk this life-changing path. God’s goodness and comfort flow freely from Sarah’s heart and will bring healing and redemption to so many.
—Lori Mullin Ennis, editor of Still Standing Magazine

“Your numbers have dropped,” the nurse said. “Let us know if the bleeding starts filling a pad every hour. I’m sorry.” And with that, I learned I was about to have my first miscarriage and second pregnancy loss. A few days later, without bleeding or cramping in sight, I took my husband to Barnes & Noble. I wanted to find something—anything—I could read that would tell me what to expect. The books I found (which weren’t much) focused on family planning, or, get this, how not to have a miscarriage. Seriously? Women who miscarry needed help, and I found nothing that offered it. In the meantime, our story kept going through three more losses and our time with Z and finally our rainbow pregnancy with Ellie. Thank goodness some of our friends have been in the trenches and are ready to share their hearts and encouragement to women who need a worthwhile resource. Sarah Philpott is one of my friends in the baby loss community. Her book Loved Baby is a devotional and journal for baby loss moms. You will want to get this book in your hands!
—Rachel Lewis, writer, foster mom, adoptive mom, biological mom, thelewisnote.com

I will be giving away two of these books on the Living Joy Daily Facebook group page to the first two people who send private messages to me saying that they would like the book (for themselves or someone they know). Please follow my Living Joy Daily Facebook group page to follow my other blog postings and to contact me about this book giveaway: https://www.facebook.com/groups/245329795925427/