Did you know that Christian religious programs have the right to meet in public schools?? I had no idea until recently that the Supreme Court ruled in 2001 in favor of Good News Club and other Christian clubs wanting to meet in public schools. Schools are not allowed to discriminate against Christian clubs. If they allow other clubs to meet on school property after hours, such as Cub Scounts, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Brownies, etc, then they must also allow Christian programs to meet in the school. If the school doesn’t allow any clubs then that is their policy. However, if they allow non-Christian, non-school affiliated programs to meet at their school then they can’t discriminate against organized Christian groups that request to meet in the school.
For more information on the 2001 Supreme Court ruling go here: https://www.cefonline.com/ministries/goodnewsclub/supremecourtruling/
I am thankful for our school district which allows clubs to meet on school property after school hours. Our elementary schools have Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Spanish Club, Mandarin Club, and Beach Club (which is also a Christian program). We have lots of other after school programs that meet on school property at each of our 5 elementary schools within our district, and now that list also includes Good News Club!
Good News Club is a program that aims to teach Children good morals and a love for God. Weekly bible lessons, games, songs, arts and crafts, and other activities help children learn more about God and His love.
I attended the training for Good News Club to help as a volunteer in getting this club going in one of our district’s elementary schools. I was so impressed with this organization! Good News Club is supported under the umbrella of Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) which was founded in 1937. CEF has been changing the lives of children around the globe for many years. Their lessons and materials are available in 89 languages! Millions of children have been positively influenced and affected by CEF through their programs around the world, including Good News Club. Here is some more information about Good News Club as found on the CEF Website:
If you are interested in getting Good News Club started in your child’s school or in a community center then reach out to CEF. They are of great support and encouragement and will help you each step of the way in getting your club up and running. You never know which child may need the word, love, and encouragement of Jesus in their life. This may be just what they need! Provide that opportunity in your school or community by getting Good News Club started where you live. Here is the link for you to get started today: https://www.cefonline.com/resource-library/quickstart/