This past weekend I hosted a “Tea and Talk with Amber Lia” event at my home. I had prayed for this event to go well and to be a blessing to others, as Amber is amazing has been such a blessing to me. My prayers were answered. The event was a success! I was blessed by the talk that Amber gave, as I am sure others ladies were as well. She is a wealth of wisdom on parenting and marriage, while still being relatable and real. I am thankful for her willingness to share her life And wisdom with other moms and wives.

Amber Lia has written a number of books. The most popular being her Triggers books. She is coauthor of the parenting book Triggers: My couples’ Bible study group used the book and study guide a few years ago for a semester (this was before I met Amber and it was my friend Kathryn that told me about the book). It was extremely beneficial to my Husband and I. It is a Biblically based parenting book about gentle parenting (that means less yelling among other things). I am a recovering yeller. Her book has helped me a great deal. Her book didn’t just change my actions, but helped to change my heart and perspective on this matter. I highly recommend this book for anyone who is a parent.

Amber Lia’s most recent book is Marriage Triggers. She coauthored this book with her husband and it was released just this month. I read it and then downloaded it on Audible and listened again. It is a great marriage book! If you are married then you likely have triggers in your marriage too. This book can help you!

You can follow Amber Lia on Facebook in her group Mother of Knights. She is a wife and mom of 4 boys. She shares wisdom, humor, and life’s reality in her group daily.

This past weekend was amazing! Amber Lia flew in from California for a few days. My friend Molly Lee, who is a childhood friend from Wisconsin and who runs the Glory Gals retreat I have spoken at for five years also flew in for the weekend. My friend Macki, who I had never met in person before flew here for the event too! She is one of the writers for the Moms Encouraging Moms Facebook group that I run.

It was a joy to have these three ladies as guests and we had a fabulous weekend together! None of the ladies knew each other before the weekend, but by the end of the weekend we felt as though we had been friends for 20 years. God is so good like that!

They all pitched in and helped to set up and clean up the tea event. I was thankful for the help!! The photos of the tea and talk speak for the event themselves. It was lovely! Thank you to my friend Lane from Board and Brie for making the Charcuterie boards. She is extremely talented! The boards she made up were filled with delicious foods and she made it look beautiful! They were the perfect touch for this tea. I highly recommend her work if you live in or around Southlake, TX. She has a Facebook group: You can see the Charcuterie boards she made in the photos below.

I have to say a huge thank you to my husband for taking care of the kids this weekend so it could be a girls’ weekend at our home. He had just returned from a business trip to Germany and was so sweet in taking our kids to a hotel overnight so we could prep for the tea event. Thank you honey, I love you!