A few months ago I saw several ads on Facebook from people who will come to your home and make your light fixtures look new. I thought that it sounded like a nice and useful service. I filed the information away in my mind thinking I would like to have my light fixtures cleaned and restored sometime. Fast forward to two weeks ago when I was browsing the cleaning aisle in Home Depot and I spotted a product that restores metals, plastics, and a variety of other materials that are exposed to outdoor elements. I wanted to first try it out on my chicken coop which is a hard plastic because it was extremely faded from the sun. It worked so well on the coop that I thought I may as well give it a whirl on my light fixtures, our outdoor pool storage container (which was probably the most faded of all the things outside), our outdoor rolling cooler top, outdoor garbage can, tables, chairs, and even the front door!
It worked! I am so thrilled with this product that I had to share. It doesn’t require any major work either. You simply clean the item first with soap and water. I used a bucket of water with a splash of Lysol general house cleaning soap. I let the items dry completely. Then, using a microfiber cloth I applied some of the Rejuvenate to the cloth and wiped it onto the item I wanted restored. You apply a thin layer and go over the surface just once. No rubbing or polishing. After it dries, you can decide whether it needs a second coat. Our front door was so dry and aged it literally absorbed the first coat making no difference at all. The second coat on the door made it look fabulous!
I am not affiliated with the company that makes this product or compensated by them. I just like to share products that work and I know others would also find useful. I will share the Amazon affiliate link, in case you have outdoor items you want to restore and you would like to order it for yourself. https://amzn.to/2wwrZ4n
The bottle is 16 ounces and is under $20. It went a long way! I was able to clean all the items shown in the photos with one bottle! Again, you only need to apply a thin layer on most materials.
Be sure to read and follow the instructions on the back of the bottle. It is easy to use and makes such a huge difference on items worn from being outside. Below you can check out my before and after photos. There are more “after” photos than “before” photos, because I failed to take them. I got so busy using the product because it worked so well, that I would move on to use it on others item (like our outdoor chairs and tables) and was so eager to see the improvements that I didn’t take before photos. The photos speak for themselves.
One word of caution: Don’t get it on concrete. I got a dab behind one light fixture and it changed the look of the concrete wall to a darker shade. Not noticeable because it was just a dab, but wanted to warn others. Read the label to see what materials it does brighten and restore. Also, test out an inconspicuous spot on the item before applying it to the entire item. That way you know whether it will work for your particular item and the material it is made from.

Before and After Before and After Before and After