I am thankful that we haven’t had lice with any of our kids. Yet. It can happen to anyone though. There are no socioeconomic, racial, zipcode or other boundaries when it comes to getting lice. It happens everywhere and to anyone. Personally, I have 5 friends whose children have had it in the past year. Some of these children are not even school age and most of their interactions with other children have happened within the church nursery. Like I said, it can happen, and be passed anywhere. With this in mind I have some peace of mind using lice prevention products in my house full of kid. A friend told me about these products 9 months ago. I ordered them on Amazon as I spoke with her and we We use the Fairy tales brand products. No need for extra work, we just replaced all th regular kid hair products in our home with the fairy tale products. So far so good, no lice. Even when we have (unknowingly at the time) interacted with kids who had lice at the time. I am passing this info along to my friends, as I want you to be able to avoid getting lice in your household as well. I am thankful that the type of products even exist! Below are pics of some of the products we use including the shampoo, hairspray, and hair gel (we also use the hair detangler, but we just ran out and I ordered more from Amazon http://amzn.to/1ZgKptA).
There are other lice prevention products out there. These just happen to the products we chose, because my friend recommended them and we like them. I did once order a detangler that was lice preventative from another company and I HATED the smell of it. Rosemary tends to be the active lice prevention ingredient in these all of products, but that one I didn’t like. We will keep using these products as I like how the smell and work as regular hair products, yet they help prevent lice too!! Again, I am sooooo thankful that these products even exist!!