Life is a series of seasons. At least mine has been. For a long season of my life I was a student. A Bachelor of Science student, a Master’s Degree student, and then a PhD candidate. It was HARD. I loved being a student though. I even continued my studies after earning my PhD. I seriously enjoyed the classroom and learning that much. I continued my studies post grad at Harvard in their Technologies of Education department. I loved my experience there. Although, I loved my experience at Liberty University and Walden University as well. It was a season of life and I EARNED those degrees, one course at a time, one day at a time.

Which is why some days I reflect on the fact that I am not using my degree professionally at this moment. My PhD is in Academic and Clinical Psychology, so I do get to use it with my kids daily- ha! However, as for making money with it, that isn’t exactly happening right now, as I have chosen the path of being a stay at home Mom. It’s not the role for everyone though. There are many moments of monotony. Sometimes I feel like my day is filled with making food for the kids, cleaning up after them, and changing poop diapers…and more poop diapers…and more poop diapers. How do they go so much??? It seems like more comes out than goes in on a daily basis!

I have chosen this path as a stay at home Mom with zero regrets. I embrace the Mommy life. In between those routine moments I savor the kisses my boys are giving me all day long, the moments in the pool when they all want to climb on me at once, watching them learn something new while a read a book and their eyes light up, and so much more! It is those moments that are so precious. Do I miss some of them because I am “busy” doing the Mommy thing, of course. However, I make a conscious effort to take mental photographs to remember those special moments. They are only little once, and you can’t get their childhood back once it has passed.

Is there anything wrong with being a working Mom? Of course not!! More power to you!! Two of my favorite people- my sister Rachel and my Sister-In-Law Amber are working professionals. Rachel works as a news anchor in Fort Myers, FL and Amber works for the American Heart Association (Amber just won Rookie of the year award too- congrats to her!!!).  I am proud of them. I am happy for them. I don’t think anything less of them as Mothers. Their kids are all fed, clothed, participating in activities, and VERY loved. Their kids also get plenty of Mommy time.

My kids happen to be very close in age and very small. I don’t want to miss out on anything. Even the poop. And the vomit. Although a little less of both wouldn’t be that horrible. You take the good with the bad. If I wasn’t there with them all day long I would be missing out on those special moments. Like the glimmer in their eye when I come over to sit and play with them and they all want to pile in my lap and read just one more book after I have already read them 5 books.

Can I lament not currently utilizing my PhD? Of course I can. I am human; But I choose not to focus on that. I focus on my current season of life, which is being a stay at home Mom to three little ones. They won’t be little forever. Childhood only happens once and it is gone too soon. I want my children to remember me there. Being there for the fun stuff as well as the day to day monotony. They will remember I was there and I made the choice to be there. I am thankful for a husband that not only supports my choice, but has encouraged me to be a stay at home Mommy.

Embrace your season, whatever it may be, because a new season is always around the corner!