I have had enough people ask what I labeled my pantry bins that I thought it would be helpful if I just posted my bins and a list of the labels. Now keep in mind, everyone has a different assortment of pantry supplies and needs, so bin needs from one home to another home will vary.  Here  is the photo of the bins from our home pantry and the list of what they are labeled below.



  1. Chalk
  2. Childproofing (outlet plugs, cabinet catches, corner pads, etc.)
  3. Skewers (for grilling)
  4. Radar Detectors and  Navigation (We use these in my older sports car that has none and take them when we go on vacation to use in rental cars)
  5. Party Silverware (This is the extra silverware we had when we combined homes when we got married- I kept the extras to use for larger parties)
  6. Matches and Lighters
  7. Cookie Cutters
  8. Kitchen Gloves
  9. Cake/Cookie Decorating
  10. Scotch Tape and Floral Tape
  11. Locks (Padlocks and luggage locks- I label them with masking tape with the combos for the next use, as I never remember)
  12. Labels and Tags (To label bins, etc.)
  13. Batteries
  14. First Aid (Band aids, gauze pads, ace bandages, Neosporin, etc.)
  15. Shoe Care (Shoe polish, extra laces, shoe polish clothes, white sneaker coloring, etc.)
  16. Wood Repair (Cabinet repair supplies, special markers to repair scratches, wood filler, etc.)
  17. 3M Hooks
  18. Tea Lights
  19. Zip Ties
  20. Light Up Ice Cubes (purchased these for a New Years party a while back and use them from time to time)
  21. Rit Dye (Important supply for dying things like Birthday dresses)
  22. Fuses
  23. Flashlights
  24. Sewing Kit (I do have a rolling sewing cabinet and sewing machine- This is a simple kit I can easily grab for things like mending projects and sewing on buttons)
  25. Rope (This is smaller rope like twine and butcher’s twine- big rope is in the garage)

We have had some other bins in the pantry in the past, but it has changed as our home has grown in size and bins are in other rooms as well. Some of the bins that were previously in the pantry as well, include the following:

  1. Pens/Pencils
  2. Staplers and Staples
  3. Binder Clips and Paperclips
  4. Mini Notepads and Sticky Notes
  5. Note Cards/ Thank You Notes
  6. Candles
  7. Extra Kitchen Sponges
  8. Brillo Pads
  9. Bug Spray
  10. Sunscreen
  11. Tools
  12. Clamps
  13. Picture Hanging Kit (hammer, nails, and picture hanging hardware)
  14. Photos
  15. Stain Remover Sticks and and Tide Pens

Good Luck in your organizing and have fun with it! Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. You can always re-label a bin and re-purpose it for another use if it isn’t working for you a few months or a year from now. Nothing is set in stone with organizing. It is a fluid, continuous process. The important thing is to establish a system of organization and build from that base.