I asked my sister Rachel about a month ago what she would like to see me blog about. She suggested I actually use my education and parenting experiences together to blog about best parenting practices. Great idea Rachel!

I like blogging, it’s a hobby. I never thought of myself as a writer, but I began blogging to record our family memories and found that I enjoy the writing process. My sister Rachel gave me some good advice about blogging. I don’t know why I didn’t think of it earlier. She suggested I blog about parenting using my educational background and life experiences. I have a PhD in academic and clinical psychology. I am a stay at home Mom, so currently I am using my degree to raise my kids. Ok, and I analyze just about every person I meet. I can’t help it, human behavior and analysis is just how my brain works. Don’t worry, I am not judging anyone, just analyzing them. Nobody is perfect or normal. We are all abnormal in one way or another.

Parenting is also something I am constantly analyzing, as I am trying to do the best job I can for each of my children. What I am finding is that there is no magic formula for parenting, as each child needs slightly different parenting techniques. And then some children need WAY different parenting techniques. We just have to posses tools in our parenting knowledge tool belt to utilize when we need them.

I plan to add weekly blog postings about parenting using my educational background and personal experiences whenever possible. I get messages from people every week asking me to blog on specific topics. Nine times out of ten I blog about the requested topic, as it is something I can relate to and I have something of value to say about it. If there is a parenting question or topic you want answered feel free to email me at drerinmagdalena@hotmail.com. You can also find me on Facebook and send me a private message.

So what exactly are my education credentials you might ask?? Here they are:

  • Post Graduate studies in Technologies of Education at Harvard University (2005-2006)
  • PhD in Academic and Clinical Psychology from Walden University (2005)
  • M.A. in Professional Counseling from Liberty University (2001)
  • B.S. in Child Psychology from Liberty University (2000)

As far as professional and personal experiences go- I was a sexual assault counselor, domestic violence counselor, hotline crisis counselor, foster parent, and nanny for many children over about a dozen years. I had a practice in Naples, FL for several years, where using my PhD, I opened a practice called Life Coaches of Naples. I primarily worked with adolescents/ teens in this practice. I was a step parent for 7-8 years, as I was previously married and my ex had two children ages 8 and 12 when I met him. I helped co-parent these two children, one who had severe diminished mental capacities (she was the victim of a pool near-drowning at 18 months of age). I am also raising three children with my husband Justin, ages 2, 2, and 4. Life is good, God has blessed me with educational and life experiences that I would like to share with others. Feel free to ask me any questions about parenting that you think I may be able to share on the blog.