We put our boat up for sale because we simply aren’t using it right now with small kids who seem to have zero amount of fear. I could see them trying to jump off the boat with Justin going full speed ahead. We also no longer live on the water. Our homes in FL and WI were both on water. We have lots of good memories on the boat. We bought it new our first year together before we got married, so it was 7 years ago this photo was taken on the boat:


Well, after one boat deal that fell through we got a new offer on Friday. The buyer was from Canada and asked us if we could meet half way. He was a cash buyer, so we said yes. He asked if we could meet next week. That was not possible because on Monday I begin leading the preschool music for VBS. We did have our weekend mostly open though, so we said we could meet on Saturday.

We decided to drive most of the way on Friday night. I got home from some errands at 3:00 PM and packed everything for the family trip by 3:45 PM. We took the boys to their last swimming lesson of the season, picked up the boat from storage and by 5:45 PM we were on our way. I drove that first night. I am a night owl, so driving until after midnight was no big deal for me. We stayed at the Holiday Inn in Emporia that night. The next morning we were on the road before 10 AM to the Great Wolf Lodge in Kansas City, Kansas. Thanks for the recommendations on Facebook from my cousin’s husband James and my friend Barbara who went to Vet school in that area. We arrived before noon. When I called the night before about making reservations they said rooms are ready by 4:00 PM and they can issue arm bands for the swim park at 1:00 PM. We got there before noon and we quite lucky (thank you God) and they had a room ready for us and arm bands for the swim park. By 12:30 we were down at the pool swimming!

The gentlemen arrived to pick up the boat around 2:00, so Justin met with him to do the transaction and Justin helped him hook the boat up to his vehicle too. We will miss the boat. It gave us many years of fun! My dogs, Jacques and Jazzell lead full and happy lives because of their boating adventures. Who knew Pomeranians love boating and swimming so much! Mine sure did! Our Foster daughter, Elizabeth, and Brielle also spent lots of time on the boat. Much of the time was anchored off “The Island” on Lake Wissota or off of Sanibel Island.

Lots of great memories on the boat. Now the boat is on to a new family to help make new memories and adventures.

We made some memories of our own at the Great Wolf Lodge this weekend. We figured that as long as we had to make the trip, let’s make it some fun too! The kids swam for hours and went down every water slide. Even the life guards commented how brave the boys were. They could only go down the water slides alone, so they had to be willing to do it on their own. They did and boy did they have a blast! They were so worn out that when we took them back to the room at night for showers and to get ready for bed the twins laid down in the shower. They wouldn’t stand up to take their showers! Too funny! They were slept well on their tot cots. They slept 13 hours straight.

Here are some pics from the water park at Great Wolf Lodge. Don’t mind me without makeup. It isn’t the first time I posted pics without makeup, so I guess it’s no big deal to me now. Even though you won’t see me out in public without makeup! The makeup won’t stay on while going down the water slides, and I went down just as many times as the kids did on the big slides. Too many times to count! It was fun, whirlwind trip this weekend!