Tonight was the Moms of Multiples board Christmas party. I hosted it at my house. Yes, this is the third Christmas party at my house in four days. When I volunteered to host these three events (MOPS Christmas Party, bible study Christmas brunch, and the Moms of Multiples Christmas board party) I never thought the dates would all fall within days of one another and two on the exact same day! It has been a fun and festive few days. I enjoy hosting parties, especially Christmas parties.
Since I am serving as Past President for the Moms of Multiples Club, our current President, April, ran the party this evening. She planned a great, creative game, as well as a neat gift exchange game. I asked her to send me those games, so I can share them on the blog, as they were so creative and fun! Our gift exchange theme was scarves. We all ended up with cute scarves as you can see in the photos.
It was a fun evening of good food, games, a gift exchange, and as always lots of conversation about our multiples. Wild twin boys seem to be the theme of my life lately, so it is so nice to get together with fellow Moms who can truly relate. Although, I hope my boys never use golf clubs on my car like my friend Tonya’s 4-year-old twins did on her car!
Below are photos from our fun this evening. I love these ladies! Such sweet ladies, with a zest for life, and sense of humor toward motherhood. I am thankful for them in my life!